We are very complicated beings ... Sometimes. You have herd the term to "overthink" something. We sometimes might say "my mind is spinning." What would we mean by that? Drugs? Maybe, but too often we get many issues, complications of life, problems and things that worry us on our minds and this can lead to being overwhelmed by life. All of us have ways we try to deal with these troubled times that seem to take over our brains. We might listen to music, exercise, eat, drink, drive, watch TV, or find someone to talk to about our problems. Using our past experiences we try to deal with present crisis. While this is necessary for many of life's issues it is not ever going to completely set our minds at ease.
For example, if our house is a mess, past experience tells us we can feel better if we work to clean it up. If we do not have enough money we need to work harder and spend less to try to get ahead. If we are dirty and smelly from work or any other reason we need to bathe. If we are hungry we need to eat. If our feelings are hurt maybe we need to cry. This is the world we live in with all of it's issues. WE might have different reactions for problems, but we will live with doing what we believe is the best thing to do in any situation. All of this is learned.
But deep inside our brain is a gnawing by thoughts about life. This persistent idea that wants to deal with problems, thoughts, morals, and emotions. We feel a certain way about things and want to know what is true and false in life. We want to trust others, but are hesitant sometimes. We seek love and want to give love to others, but do we, can we? Can we without a proper framework of the details of what we believe.
My point in this winding path of thought, is that it will lead us deep into our heart of hearts to ultimately examine what are the details of what we believe? You can believe whatever you want. You can believe in superstition. You can believe in people from outer space. You can believe in politics. You can believe cats turn into dogs when they grow up. We all know people who have believed a lie. They have been fooled by a smooth talker who sold them something. They believed a friend or loved one who was lying through their teeth and yet they really did believe them.
So, do you know the details of what you believe about the most important issues in life? Can you state them plainly for others? This might help you along the road of life if you did. Here are five questions that if you really know what you believe and settle it in your brain you might not have as many troubles as you think. But in truth I guess that really depends on what you believe about these 5 questions. Well, here they are. Give it some thought, you might want to write down your answers. It is that important.
- Do you believe there is a Creator of all things?
- Do you believe the Bible is true?
- Do you believe there was a person named Jesus who lived and died 2000 years ago?
- Do you believe Jesus rose from the dead?
- Do you believe God Loves you?
If you say YES to all of these and you are being honest that you do believe them it will change you. It will not make you perfect in your behavior or solve all issues for you but there will be a settling of the details of what you believe and a basis by which you can live. You see if you do say yes to these quesions you should be seeking answers to any additional quesions by: Seeking God, reading the bible, taking with and spending time with others who believe these things. You can really find answers to the quesions of life by knowin the details of what you believe.
Here is what the Apostle Paul said about this subject:
1And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. 2For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. 3And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, 4and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 ESV