I have written several thousand blog post about hundreds of subjects some quite complex, but some very simple. This one is going to be simple. "How do you like your eggs?" If you go to Waffle House you will likely be ask this question. While you may not be ask this if you are eating at home, the question may still be one that you think about for a minute or two. And then set about the task to prepare breakfast.
A very regular part of my day (now that I am a chicken farmer) is to go down the hill to visit the girls and Big "T" my rooster. When they see me coming they scurry back and forth, squawk, cluck, and Big "T" will start crowing, and crowing, and crowing some more. They expect some type of treat whether it is "Scratch food" or some leftovers from the house. They are ready. Something common for them are left over french fries. I cast them on the ground and the hen that is the quickest (usually Joy, or Ada) will grab one up and run. Now there are usually 20 maybe 30 fries, but some of those silly hens will chase the one who got the first fry around the lot to steal it away if they can, and often they will get a piece of it. I is quite a show. With Big "T" standing in the middle of 8 hens chasing each other singing his song.
The bigger show can come however when I enter the lot. I have to keep an eye on the big Rooster who thinks he is Kung FU. If I turn my back he will make a run at me for a fight. We have sparred a good many rounds, and I am the undisputed heavy weight champ. But my poor bird brained friend does not learn that his is out of his weight class, and just so badly wants to spar with me. With neck feathers ruffled and wings a flapping my boot or my water jug will keep him at bay.
Some days recently he seems to understand his plight and runs to the far corner of the lot and keeps and eye on me until the water and feed buckets are full. But as I am slipping out the door of the coop I have to keep the Big "T" in the corner of my eye for he may make a run at me. Especially if he knows the hens are watching.
Well it is an everyday show. But then when all is said and done I can answer the question "How do you like your eggs?" My girls are busy at their work also everyday and I can not only answer the egg question, but I can make it happen with a couple of fresh ones.