This morning I am putting up a couple of things on the web for you. if you are a police officer or work in public saftey this is for you. And even if you are not, I ask you to pray about these things and maybe even check them out.
First is a web site to introduce the Marriage Enrichment Event for Public Safety Planned for May 12 at NorthStar Church.
Take a minute to think about this and pray for this event and carefully consider the difficulty that faces the men and women who serve us in public safety. Then if you are in public safety sign up to be a part of this event. If you are not public safety pray for, and tell someone who is to consider this time of enrichment.
The second thing is this weeks audio devotional from the series called MORE 39. In the radio traffic of the police world "39" means information. More information is what MORE 39 is all about. In the current series we are talking about "Rancid Report." Every officer writes plenty of them everyday. Some of them have horrible or "rancid" details. I am featuring different types of reports with some thoughts about them for officers. Check it out at the website for Mission Team Inc.
Thanks for taking a minute to read this blog. And thank you to all of you who support this ministry with your prayers and financial support.