One of my favorite passages in the Bible is the account of the men walking on the road to Emmaus found in Luke Chapter 24. Download The Walk to Emmaus
Basically this is the scene. Two men unnamed, left Jerusalem on the day that Jesus had risen from the dead. On this first Easter they were walking and talking about the events that had happened surrounding Jesus from Nazareth. They were joined by a third man walking. He listens as they describe what has taken place, and then reminds them of all of the Hebrew writings that foretold all of the things that had happened in detail. When it is late Jesus seems to be going on, but the two men convince him to stay. They are eating when suddenly the two recognize the fact they have been with Jesus all along. They are amazed and quickly return to Jerusalem to confer with the disciple about seeing Jesus.
This first account of two men seeing the risen Savior is repeated so, so, often. We as Christian people move about in the world. We are talking and meeting people all the time. When we are bold enough to talk about our Savior, and what we know to be the the reality of the Gospel, so often we suddenly realize that the Lord is right there with us. I do not mean the person you are physically talking with is Jesus, but the fact that Jesus is with us and never leaves us. I am talking about the fact that we do not seem to realize that he is with us. He told us that he would always be with us. The very last words of the Gospel of Matthew say: "And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
It is not really so much about the Lord showing up as it is us opening our eyes. This time of year leading up to Easter is one of the best times for you talk about your faith to others. Your plans to worship. Your moment you came to faith. Your love for the Savior can all easily just be a natural part of your conversation with others in the coming weeks. When you do you will be aware that Jesus is with you.
If the Lord has shown up in your life... guess what, He has never left you.