Has your "get up and go," got up and gone? Do you find yourself full of good ideas that seem to be ready to burst forth, but they have been laying around on the top of your head for a while and they are rusted in place. I do not think you are alone in your plight. Whatever "IT" is that you plan to do, no matter what the thing is that needs to be done, there always seems to be another something that suddenly becomes the thing you need to do right now, and so your "IT" changes. So how do you get "IT" done? What is "IT?" I am not sure for you, but I bet you know the thing. You know the "IT" that needs to be done today in your world. And deep in your heart you know that you probably will not get to "IT", today. So maybe some blabber of ink you read on this page will help you along your path today to get "IT" done.
Some people are "list people" and they make a list and just determine that they will not rest until their list is done. This helps them to keep on track and not get deterred. I usually lose my list and the "IT" becomes making a new list. But when they put "IT" on their list, they get "IT" done.
Some other people will not be deterred when they start something, and short of the house being on fire they will keep doing what they are going to do. You and an act of congress will not stop them from getting "IT" done when they get started. These kind of folk are sometimes very rude in the process, and they make some of us a bit annoyed as they seem self centered. They will often put you off to finish what they are doing. Do not keep them waiting even for a minute or two if you are trying to go somewhere important. Because people like this it seems if they were to finish what are doing they will start on something else and you will have to wait until that "IT" gets done too.
Some people seem to have enough money (or credit) so they just pay someone else to do "IT." Most of us just feel real guilty about this when we know we can and should do "IT" ourselves.
Some others just know that "IT" needs to be done, but they never seem to care that "IT" needs to be done. So they just wait on someone else to do "IT." Now for most of us we feel even more guilty if we do not get our own "IT" done, and someone else has to do "IT" for us.
Then there is the moment we reach deep within our being and boldly step out of our easy chair, and start on "IT." Now we are rolling and and we are getting the job done. Once completed we stand back with great admiration and a deep sense of pride and think I did "IT," I finished "IT."
And as you do so someone will inevitably cone along and say, "Hey that looks great can you do THAT for me?"
So I do not know what the "IT" is that you need to do today. But with all of the good southern accent I can must I can muster, I will try to encourage you with this phrase, "Git er Done."