The grip of winter is sharp. It is cold outside and the ground is frozen in many places. We have been in this cold pattern for a bit, and it looks to keep going for a while. Sometimes we are impatient with the weather. I know I was ready for December's snow to melt a lot quicker than it did. But the snow did melt and time moved on to January's bitter cold that we now see across the country.
This morning in my reading of Scripture, I read about Noah and when he was in the Ark. When the rain came and the flood began it was only 40 days until the rain stopped. But then Noah had to wait for the water to dry up. He was in the Ark another 330 days. So all total He was in the Ark for a year.
To us a year seems long and we get a bit impatient waiting for a year. But we often do. After next Monday's game for the National Championship in college football one of the teams will immediately say, "Wait till next year!" And there will be hope in waiting.
No matter what you feel like you are waiting on today. Be patient. Trust the Lord for His blessing. The cold grip of winter will be gone in a few weeks Spring will come and part of your life will be gone in the period of waiting. Thinking about what to do while you are waiting is important. I wonder what Noah did in that Ark?
Being a person that prays is simple. You just pray. You talk to God. When you find yourself waiting, there is time to pray. Try it. As the cold weather has a grip on you and you struggle with things that you wish would move a little faster grab some moments to pray. The grip of Satan to keep us focused on silly and trivial things is far worse than a little cold weather. Be patient and Pray. Better days will be here soon.
Thank you Scotty for all you do, God bless you
Posted by: Rolla green | January 05, 2018 at 02:10 PM