Today there are so many gods to choose from in the world. I think it a good blog moment to pose this question which one do you serve? Now in our modern sophisticated world we do not serve the old gods of history like Zeus, Mercury, and Pluto. We certainly do not worship the Baals or the God of Molech from the Old Testament. But the deceiving "gods" of today are far more subtle.
Our gods today have become far more personalized and come in many varieties or flavors. The gods of today fit each individuals particular taste for deity. Here are a few of them.
god of the People - This god is availible to all people everywhere. He is good and loving and caring. He is availible and ready to help anyone. He is responsive to you however you see him. He can be found in nature, nurture, and neighbors. As a matter of fact he can be found everywhere and anywhere. To find him you must look for good. However you define good you can find him. You see with this god it does not matter what you believe, but you must believe it with all your heart. If you do then your god will see you believe, and bless you. If you follow this god you may want a sticker on your car that says COEXIST with all the fancy symbols.
god of the Relationship - This is a pleasing God. You can worship him by doing, and being a great person or getting to be like a great person. You see with this god you find great people you like or think are the best and you follow them, act like them, and tell everyone you meet about your gods. These people can be rock stars, athletes, movie stars or even your family. The one thing is for sure they are who is first in your life. Many of the people who follow this faith switch from one person or god to another at the drop of a hat. Jesus even makes stage now and then. He is the bomb until someone else comes into view. You just want to be included.
god of ME - Now this faith is maybe the most popular today. You see you get to worship yourself. You become the center of the universe. Now you realize you are not the creator of all things, but you place yourself as the most important of all creation. The world is all about you. Your only work of service or help to anyone else is about what it will do to benefit you. This god of self is taught in many ways in western civilization. Your rights, your place in society, your ability, and your success are certainly what is far more important than anything else. Take care of yourself. Always do what is best for you. These are common sentiments in this faith. So much so that there is little room for anyone else especially to ask the question what would "God" want for me? When you serve the "god of ME" The big "G" God has to get in line and wait His turn.
I think you get my point. The church today has compromised itself by allowing syncretism, idolatry, and hedonism to creep into the life and practice of our work in the church. Parts of all these "gods' have some merits, but only when you have placed God at the center of your life.
Realize this:
Jesus died for your sin on the cross whether you realize it or believe it or acknowledge it.
Jesus is God who came to us because we needed Him.
Jesus is the Creator, the Sustainer, and the Lord of all.
Jesus ia all powerful, all knowing, ever present, and yes always there for you.
If you are unclear on who Jesus is in your life then you may be following one of these other gods.
Father, Son, Holy Spirit is our God. We best recognize Him in the person of Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the only GOD there is. Following something else means you have created or found yourself a god.