In the days following the death of someone you love what is supposed to happen? I have never really been here before, but I have tried to counsel people who have. The counsel is don't push yourself too hard, grieve as you need too. But gradually return to normalcy as it is now. I can now testify that this is good counsel.
We are now starting into the process of what new normal looks like. For three years I have checked on, provided for, took care of my father. Now I am down to just mom. Her care is different than that of dad and while I am still occupied with this task it is different. There certainly is a great peace which I have written about and spoken about at dad's service. But the new normal has a shift to it. I am back to meetings, phone calls and I even worked with Chris at the OFS plant for a day. But there is a new normal now of what I think I need to do everyday. Being a caretaker is hard work and difficult in many ways. Many of you have shared with me that you have had the task for a while in your life. Love is a great motivator and it is worth it.
So many of you are asking me, "How is your mom?" Overall she is doing well. My brother and I moved her to a new room at the Assisted Living where she lives on Wednesday. This meant a little more space for her. In that space we were able to giver her back her double bed and her love seat that she loved. She also got a second closet. These things meant a lot to her and it brought smiles to her face. The new room is also closer to the dining room which means she does not have as far to walk and this is also good for her. So mom is for now as least as good as we hoped for.
We are so thankful for the many of you who have written and continued to encourage us through this time. I have been asked to conduct a funeral on Monday and I am ready to do it. So life is returning to normal. We just a have a some things that are a bit different.
Life is all about serving Our Lord. No matter circumstances or difficulties we must press on to serve Him. The time of dealing with death is a real time of testing your faith and reinforcement of what you truly believe in the deepest part of your being. I praise the Lord for His comfort and strength.
Hey Scotty, Thank you for sharing with us, it means a lot!
Posted by: Dean Burnette | January 26, 2018 at 08:46 AM
Love you glad Kathie is there to walk this with you. Hope to see you soon.
Posted by: Barbara Charles | January 26, 2018 at 09:24 AM
Prayers Scotty for continued strength and peace in the days ahead!
You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. To God be the Glory!
Posted by: Jayne Pearson | January 26, 2018 at 01:53 PM
God bless you, Scotty, and your family. Your words, AGAIN, are SO on point.
Praying for you ALL, every day.
Posted by: Roz | January 26, 2018 at 01:56 PM