My first hours in Ethiopia include waiting at the Airport for a while on someone to pick me up. Getting to know a wonderful Pastor named Nevil and then on to a little bit of heaven in a place called The Life Center Guest House. A place for missionaries to stay. I have had a shower, a shave, and a cup of coffee as well as a little while on the internet. The top photo is Selam who looks after the guest house and Bisrat who is a brother in the Lord. There is beautiful music playing as I sit and type and sip my Ethiopian Coffee. People here who are our brothers and sisters in Jesus are so delightful and beautiful people.
Here is another photo Nevil took of me at the Airport and do not look too bad for 13 hours on the plane. When you are with your brothers and sisters in Christ things are always good.
I liked this saying on the wall at the guest house. This place home for just a few hours is real nice.