Actually the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is the proper name of one of the oldest nations on the planet. This African country is the only one who never was colonized by the land grab for Africa in the 19th Century. They actually were able to defend their land from all who would take them over.
The origin of the Christian Church in this great country is recorded in the Book of Acts Chapter 8 when Phillip on of the original seven deacons of the church was led by the Holy Spirit to go south and encountered an Ethiopian Eunuch who was on the Gaza road reading the book of Isaiah. Phillip explained who the prophet was speaking about was Jesus. And the Ethiopian believed and wanted to be baptized immediately. Phillip did so this man returned and told others in Ethiopian of his faith. With a church this old you might think that all of this country would be Christian but it is not that simple.
The Gospel will spread within people groups but when natural obstacles of culture, language, and natural barriers hinder communication and people mixing there becomes pockets of People which are in missiology (the study of missions) called people groups. What is sad is that there are over 80 people groups in Ethiopia and many of these are unevangelized. Even where there has been a planting of the Gospel there is still a vacuum of leadership for the evangelical church in Ethiopia. This is the task I will be going to help with this week.
The Great Commission in Matthew Chapter 28:19-20 Speaks clearly in the first verse that we are to GO, the second verse is very important too.
Matthew 28:20
20teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
I have been blessed to partner with the Bible Training Center for Pastors (BTCP) and with Jim Palmer and The Ethiopian Aid Mission (TEAM). We will be teaching the evangelical The BTCP Curriculum. This is a series of 10 courses to give a working theological education.
I covet your prayers for this huge endeavor with a group of pastors in the mountains of Ethiopia.