It is an amazing fact that when I am looking for something I have misplaced, I always find it in the last place I look for it. Now anyone who thinks about that statement will realize that when I find what I am looking for I stop looking.
When you do lose something, and you start looking you may find all sorts of things that you have lost, or misplaced. Many of these things you may have thought were lost forever. But as you look for something you think you want to find, these other things just pop up. I have been distracted sometimes by the discovery of something I thought was lost even though that item was not what I was originally looking for. You probably have been too.
We go through life looking for fulfillment and satisfaction. We may look many places and be distracted by things we discover along the way. But the truth is many people do not know what they are looking for. The satisfaction and joy every human being needs is found in his or her relationship with God. People know they need something, but they do not realize what? As people go through life, they find things that seem to satisfy for a while their need. When they do find something unique or special they begin to tell others they have found what we all need or at least what is good for them. Others seek to find something unique to them too. And when they find it, get good at it, and do it, they will say it is their calling and their destiny. No doubt some find great satisfaction in some aspects of serving others, and doing things with great skill and workmanship. But even great accomplishments, skills, and achievements in the long run seem to lose their luster. And then the search for the thing to bring life's fulfillment must be continued.
You see there is in every person a part that can never be filled except by God Himself. To know the Creator and His love is the reason we were created by Him. We can only find His love by knowing what He has done for us. Our own desire to be self fulfilled is what works against us. We think "we can" do it ourselves. We can find what we need and provide for our own need. And so often people find things that do good for a while. Relationships with other people, careers, good works, even religion all seem to scratch the itch of life for a while. So many of these things make a difference to others and are admired by others. But ultimately even these good things in life are really not what we are looking for. These good discoveries can be what will get us into trouble and keep us separated from what we should be looking for. Mankind's greatest need is God.
God has made it possible to know Him. He is so powerful, so mighty, so beyond our understanding that He took care of this for us too. He became flesh and blood in the person of Jesus Christ. He came to live among the people He created. His coming to us demonstrates the the love that we, as creatures made in His image, long for deeply. He has shown us this love and this is what we should be looking for in life. Are we looking for this? Or are we looking for something else? Or have we become distracted by the things we are finding as we look?
I hope you have found the Savior. I know many who have. But we must cherish Him and serve Him. We must be careful not to get distracted by the many other things we have found in life.
Matthew 13:44
"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.