A famous line by Oliver Twist? Of course it is, but isn't this something that we all say from time to time? We want more of something but what is it we want. Oliver wanted only some gruel. Are we willing to settle for a bowl of gruel? What is it you want more of these days? Do you want more Obamacare talk? Do you want more commentary from the news channels? Do you want more political news about the government? I think we have had plenty of that and there is plenty more issues and huge doses of this gruel that Washington DC makes daily and the plan is that they are going to give it to us.
What do you really want more of? How about something genuine? Something true. Something that is real that makes a difference to you and your family. Something that helps you in the world today.
Does something like that exist? I think it does. However you will not get it by just sitting back in an easy chair and pressing a button on a remote control. You will not get it by signing up on line to have it sent to you. You cannot mail order it or pick it up at the store. No, my friend if you want what you really need, you will have to do it the old fashion way. You will have to work for it.
What is this wonderful thing that we would all desire? Peace of mind.
Peace of mind - Peace of MIND. "I will give you a piece of my mind!" Some of you may be thinking that as you read. Calm down and realize some very important things.
1. We still have the Word of God availible to each of us every moment of every day.
2. We still have the right to assemble and worship and pray.
3. We still have a God who hears and answers prayer.
Think about this and how poor Oliver got to a point he got bold enough to ask. I believe Peace of Mind is closer than you may think, if we will go back to work as people who believe and serve a living God.
2 Chronicles 7:14 (NASB)
2Ch 14 and My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
When we honestly do all we can for our Lord. We will find Truth and Peace of Mind even if the world is going crazy all around us.